1. Investment Council under the Governor of the Tula region
Investment Council meeting minutes
2023 year
2022 year
2020 year
2019 year
2018 year
2017 year
Investment Council’s Working groups meeting minutes
2019 year
2018 year
2017 year
1.1 The Investment council under the Governor of the Tula region is an advisory body aimed to create a favorable investment climate, to develop the investment potential of the region, to carry out regular information exchange on pressing issues of investment activity and to improve the effectiveness of interaction between public authorities and investors in the Tula region.
1.2 The Investment Council includes representatives of the executive authorities of the Tula region and organizations.
1.3 The Investment Council acts in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Tula region, laws and other regulatory acts of the Tula region.
1.4 Its fundamental tasks include:
- development of recommendations on the main strategic directions of economic development of the Tula region;
- making proposals to reduce administrative barriers in the economy;
- identification of priority areas of support for regional manufacturers;
- assessment of implementation of legal framework and expert assessment of draft regulatory legal acts governing investment activities in the Tula region;
- assessment of the progress of investment projects carried out in the Tula region;
- monitoring the implementation of investment project support regulations on a “one-stop shop” basis;
- consideration of projects and existing regulatory legal acts affecting entrepreneurial and investment activities;
- the implementation of information exchange between members of the Investment Club on investment activities;
- development of recommendations to improve the efficiency of investment activity in the Tula region;
- development of proposals for attracting investments to the most important social facilities of the Tula region;
- participation in the preparation and holding conferences, meetings, seminars and other events on investment policy issues.
1.5 Within its competence, the Investment council is entitled:
- to request and receive information necessary to resolve issues falling within the competence of the executive authorities of the Tula region, local authorities of the Tula region and organizations;
- to create working groups to study issues discussed by the Investment Club.
1.6 Meeting of the Investment council shall be held when necessary and in any event once in 6 months. Meetings are held by the Chairman of the Investment council or by Deputy Chairman of the Council on behalf of the Chairman.
Members of the Investment Council participate in all of its meetings.
1.7 A meeting of the Investment Council is considered competent if at least 2/3 of its members are present. Decisions are made by simple majority of votes of the members present. In the case of an equality of votes, the person who chairs the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
1.8 The Chairman of the Investment Council sets dates and times of the meeting and determines the agenda of the meeting.
1.9 The Secretary of the Investment Council prepares materials for the meetings, notifies the members of the date, place and time of its meeting not later than three working days prior to the meeting of the Investment Council.
1.10 Decisions of the Investment Council are drawn up in meeting minutes in the manner and within the time limits established by the Instruction for the executive authorities and Governments’ of the Tula regions record management № 103, and within three working days after the signing of the protocol, they are brought to the attention of members of the Investment Council, interested executive bodies of the Tula region, local, territorial bodies of federal executive bodies and organizations.
In case of disagreement with the decision made, within one working day from the day of the meeting a member of the Investment Council has right to express in writing his dissenting opinion, which must be attached to the meeting minutes.
1.11 Decisions of the Investment Council should be understood as recommendations.
1.12 The organizational and technical support of the Investment Council is carried out by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Tula Region.