Municipal Entities
Dubna districtMoskalenko Tatyana AlexandrovnaHead of the Department of Economic Development, Entrepreneurship and Agriculture of the Administration of the Municipality of Dubensky District
Workers' settlement NovogurovskijФилимонов Александр ВладимировичЗаместитель главы администрации муниципального образования рабочий поселок Новогуровский
Village SlavnyjЧекунов Геннадий НиколаевичЗаместитель главы администрации муниципального образования поселок Славный
Odoyev districtTolkachev Viktor IvanovichDeputy Head of Administration of Odoyev District
Aleksin MunicipalityFedorov Alexander AlekseevichDeputy Head of the Administration of the Municipal Entity Aleksin district
Bogoroditsk districtKolykhalova Elena StepanovnaDeputy Head of the Administration of the Municipal Entity Bogoroditsk district
Chern districtAstakhova Lyubov IvanovnaDeputy Head of the Administration of the Municipal Entity Chern district
Suvorov districtKukhtinova Larisa VictorovnaDeputy Head of the Administration of the Municipal Entity Suvorov district
Arsenyevo districtMednikov Alexander VladimirovichDeputy Head of the Administration of the Municipal Entity Arsenyevo district
Belyov districtArchipova Lubov ValerievnaDeputy Head of the Administration of the Municipal Entity Belyov district
Donskoy MunicipalityKarukina Ludmila PetrovnaDeputy Head of the Administration of the Donskoy Municipality
Kamenskoe districtKartsev Alexander PetrovichDeputy Head of the Administration of the the Municipal Entity Kamenskoe district
Kimovsk districtLarionova Tatyana VladimirovnaDeputy Head of the Administration of the Municipal Entity Kimovsk district
Kireyevsk districtKalugina Inna VladimirovnaFirst Deputy Head of the Administration of the Municipal Entity Kireyevsk district
Kurkino districtLysenkova Olga SemenovnaHead of the Department of Economic Development, Property Relations of the Municipal Entity Kurkino district
Novomoskovsk city districtАндреева Ирина ИгоревнаЗаместитель главы администрации города НовомосковскСемкин Александр ВячеславовичЗаместитель начальника экономического управления АМО г. Новомосковск
Plavsk districtVostrikova Natalya VladimirovnaDeputy Head of Administration of the Municipal Entity Plavsk district
Shchekino districtAbramina Elena EvgenyevnaFirst Deputy Head of the Administration of the Municipal Entity Shchekino district
Tyoplo-Ogaryovo districtKolomoets Elena DmitrievnaActing Deputy Head of Administration of the Municipal Formation Teplo-Ogarevsky District
Uzlovaya districtMitasova Irina VyacheslavovnaHead of the Committee for Economic Development and Entrepreneurship of the Municipal Entity Uzlovsky district
Venev districtKazennov Andrey IvanovichDeputy head of the Administration of the Municipal Entity Venyov district
Volovo districtMalahova Elena AnatolyevnaDeputy Head of the Administration of the Municipal Entity Volovo district
Yasnogorsk districtKiselev Alexander ViktorovichFirst Deputy Head of the Administration of the Municipal Entity Yasnogorsk district
Yefremov MunicipalityShportun Olga YuryevnaDeputy Head of the Administration for the Economy of the Yefremov city district