Uzlovsky district, SEZ "Uzlovaya"
Resurs Invest-Razvitie LLC
Construction of a yellow pea deep processing plant with a capacity of 70,000 tons per year
Uzlovsky district, SEZ "Uzlovaya"
Gazprom Energoholding Foundry Technologies LLC
Construction of a foundry for industrial and energy gas turbines
Uzlovsky district, SEZ "Uzlovaya"
Inotex LLC
Creation of a Westlake non-woven fabric manufacturing company
Novomoskovsk district
Project NO. 1 - Modernization of the generating capacities of Novomoskovskaya Gres. Project NO.2 - Construction of a plant for the production of sodium chlorate and hydrogen peroxide at the site of Novomoskovsky Chlor LLC
Novomoskovsk district
"Gazprom LNG Technologies" LLC
Creation of a complex for low–tonnage production and shipment of liquefied natural gas near the Novomoskovsk - 2, 3 gas distribution station (KSPG Novomoskovsk)
Uzlovsky District
Nitrous oxide production plant
Uzlovsky District
Radius-Pro LLC
Creation of fire-resistant turbine oil production
Tula city
Industrial Park LLC
Construction of a metal machining plant (Barsuki village)
Uzlovsky District
Uzlovaya Chemical Plant LLC (AKVATEKO LLC)
Production of reagents for water treatment in industry with a capacity of 10,000 tons per year
Novomoskovsk district
Cherkizovo Group PJSC
Increasing poultry meat production and building a site for the production of organic fertilizers