Bogoroditsky District
Bogoroditsky Alliance LLC
Development of agricultural production, including the construction of potato storage facilities with a modern ventilation and humidification system with a total capacity of 15,000 tons and a complex for receiving, processing and storing grain with a capacity of 30,000 tons
Efremovsky district
PromBioTechnologies LLC
Construction of a plant for deep processing of fodder crops for the production of amino acids and other functional additives for the agricultural and food industries (1st stage)
Novomoskovsk district
Aerosol Novomoskovsk LLC and Unilever Rus LLC
Organization of export-oriented contract manufacturing of finished cosmetic products and household chemicals at the location of Aerosol Novomoskovsk LLC
Tula city
Industry Service CJSC
Modernization of the foundry in order to increase the production of spare parts for excavator equipment
Suvorovsky District
Manufacture of disinfectants "TRANSHIM" LLC
Tula city
Yuzhmorrybflot JSC
Establishment of an enterprise for the production of fish products of deep processing at the production facilities of the "Khomyakovskaya cold storage plant"
Zaoksky District
Construction of a plant for deep processing of eggs
Venevsky District
IP Head of the KFH Avetisyan Manuk Zhulevich
Development of agricultural production, including the construction of a complex for processing and storage of grain crops with a capacity of 120,000 tons and the reconstruction of a livestock complex for 1200 animals
Tula city
AK Tulamashzavod JSC
Organization of production and repair of metalworking centers (investment project No. 1) Organization of production of high-speed cutting and measuring tools (investment project No. 2)
Tula city
Creation of a research and production complex in the field of railway engineering